Sunday, June 21, 2009

Monday, June 22, 2009

Hey yupla (you all in pidgin),

I am leaving in about an hour to go to a village called Yar where I will be milling timber for 5 days. It is going to be physically challenging, but that's not what worries me. We are going to be in the jungle for 5 days and I will most likely be spending a significant of time outside at night with the malaria mosquitos. I have resigned myself to the fact that if it is God's will for me get it, so be it - but i'm still gonna fight it like the plague.

Also, there will be danger of running into snakes - something I'm still not too keen about.

We will be staying in a tent inside a village house, so at least when I go to bed I will be safe. The timber we are milling is for the new literacy center that is to be built in September/October.

I know that you all have been praying for us, but I thought I would just specifically ask for a LOT of prayer over the next 5 days (we return Friday). Prayer for safety from bugs, skeeters, and injury while we are cutting down giant trees and using the sawmill.

Love you all and thanks!


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