Thursday, June 25, 2009

Thursday June 25

We just received this email from Karie Pryor, the missionaries that Charlie & Lea are serving in Poppa New Guinea. Please pray for Gods protection over them.

Dear friends,
Due to an unfortunate death of a Biwat police man who died after drinking to excess with a Laten community member the Biwat people are seeking revenge. There have been a lot of reports that they are coming our way to burn houses etc. Our people are on high alert in fact some are bringing possessions into our house in hopes that they will be safer here. Jesse is still out in Yar. Just for the record even though people here are really getting excited I am not that concerned as they would be coming from a long distance and most likely we will hear the drums (garamuts) if there is trouble. However we have heard of some confirmed acts of violence against Ap Ma people in Angorgam. As this unfolds please help us to pray for those who would seek to injure us and for peace of mind here in the village. Tomorrow is the last day of school and children are walking back and forth on the road until then please pray for their safety as well.

Lea and Charlie Roth have been here in Samban with us for 2 weeks now doing all kinds of different things. We now have a new full size basketball court and the sports equipment their church provided for the school here is in constant use. Lea has gotten to know many of the kids personally interacting with them daily in school creating books about the alphabet with the kindergarden and books about the months of the year with the first grade. And both Lea and Charlie have undertaken the task of teaching the finer points of basketball to our second graders, as well as many other games and sports. Charlie has learned to sharpen sawmill blades and set teeth on them. He got to run the mill a bit here before going to Yar with Jesse.

We have had a good time getting to know Jill our newest resident and PBT member. She is doing well being totally smothered in tok ples every day. Better her than me. Actually she is sharing what she learns with me so that I am not so clueless. While I can speak the trade language I can't yet form full sentences in the tribal language.

People are gearing up for the dedication and we are getting ready to paint some more here at home so that the house is more presentable for guests.

Jesse and Charlie are in Yar milling and say that it was going good as of Tuesday. They are massing timber for the literacy center and clinic. They are also milling some for the Yar community for a classroom I believe. I am to speak with him today on the radio and confirm his return date which we are thinking will be Friday or Saturday.

On a different note, God has really been merciful there have been 2 premature births in the last week luckily neither of the babies appears in distress and mothers are well after some initial complications. Also Euin Jon (Kanja) fell from his ladder onto a shade tree and got a brance 3/8 in in diameter lodged in his side under his arm fortunately it stayed outside the ribcage. It was 2 inches embedded. We sent him to Kambot and they were able to cut the skin and remove the stick and he is doing much better after some initial infection. So even without our nurse (who is with a brother in Wewak who is near death) we have been able to take care of the little things here at home.

We have two more weeks out here until we take Lea and Charlie back to town please pray that things will stay calm and productive.

Karie, Jesse, Naleh, Elijah, and Judah.

Lea, and Charlie Roth

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