Friday, June 19, 2009

Friday, June 19, 2009

Hey everyone!

Long time no updates eh? Our radio modem broke down on Monday June 14 so we have not been able to email at all. But here is what has been happening.

On Monday June 14, Lea and I both came down with some sort of parasite or stomach bug. Lea handled it pretty well, but I had drank a coconut (pure glucose) which apparently fueled my parasite so I felt really crappy. At around 7 on Monday I walked into the bathroom and hurled my guts out. When I came out, Lea was looking at me like I was an alien. Apparently she could hear me spewing and it sounded...uh...violent? I looked at her and said, "If you do end up barfing, just look out, because it is powerful!"

On Tuesday we just sat around all day watching movies. Neither of us felt much better. Tuesday night, they put us on some drugs (we're still on them now) to kill the bad stuff in our guts. It makes us a little tired, but we are feeling fine now.

We are gearing up for our milling trip. We cleaned the mill and Jesse packed it up. We sharpened a TON of sawblades...well some villagers did. it was supposed to be my job but I was out of commision Tuesday and Wednesday. Now we are setting the teeth on them. We have to bend every one of the sawblade teeth to the proper angle. Pain in the royal doinkus. Its pretty mindless though so at least I can daydream.

Jesse and I took a boat trip today. We were scouting out what rivers would be best to take when we go to mill. We got about 1/3 of the way there and the boat motor started over heating. We had to turn back, but it turned into a 3 hour battle with mosquitos. Luckily, I've been testing to see which repellent I should take on the trip, so I had repellent on from my knees down and elbows out. But the skeeters were swarming my shorts region, gha! I took off one of my sandals and just went tribal on them...I killed about 15 in 3 minutes. The little village boy who was with us was cracking up laughing. I was just like, "Whatever man, I'd rather hunt than be hunted." We have been getting bitten a lot lately though. I thought that mosquitos couldn't bite me through my net, but apparently if your body is right up against it, they can stick their little blood sucking noses through and nab you. my knee, hand, and toe all got absolutely nailed.

We have really been challenged by the environment and the discomfort is taking it's toll. I read Psalms everyday. I'm really loving the ones about how God watches over his children and protects them through time of trial.

Strange as it seems, the end is in sight. We've got less than 20 days left. After the milling trip, it will be just around 10 days until we leave Samban to head to Madang, Ukarumpa, and possibly somewhere else, we'll see.

Okay, Lea and Karie are painting the house, so it reeks like turpentine (the paint was diluted). On top of that, Lea is using some sort of fuel to clean off her hands and the sink so it smells SO rank in here. I gotta get out. Peace!


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